martes, 27 de marzo de 2007

Algo de Test...

Que tal gente!!

Pues aquí les dejo unas de esas chucherias para cuando uno no tiene nada mas relevante que hacer, o cuando si las tienes pero pues necesitas un descanzo. Estos fueron mis resultados:

You Are a Prophet Soul

You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.

Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.

Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.

No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.

Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.

A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.

You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

You Are Lavender

You are a sweet person with a very soft personality.

People become easily entranced with you. They seem to glow around you.

You have a quiet energy that can keep you active late into the night.

Even if you aren't the life of the party, you definitely keep the party going.

Your Brain is Purple

Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.

You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.

Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

What Color Is Your Brain?

Espero todos tengan un muy buen día y semana. Hoy es lo del café scientifique, suena prometedor, a ver que tal se pone.

Au revoir

5 comentarios:

Antonio Cárdenas dijo...

Pues yo salí Dreamer Soul.... Auqnue estoy parcialmente contento... o descremado, no se realmente cual de las dos, con el resultado.

En fin, un saludo desde! - Spam, Forever!

Ån€iëNt §Öû£ dijo...

somos compatibles :$ jaja :P.

Antonio Cárdenas dijo...

que miedo, jaja

Anónimo dijo...

Muchas gracias por compartir los websites!

Alejandro Vargas dijo...

yo los hice y salieron muchas cosas chistosas, se me había pasado comentar esto. Y sali una madre azul en las flores, saludos!